Thursday, August 28, 2008


There's a local Raleigh guy who is twittering in all haikus. What started as a simple joke turned into a nerd-fest. By the way, I wouldn't bother reading any of this unless you are completely bored beyond hope of any possible entertainment in the next 4 months:

(11:12) lancer: you know what is fun? when i'm messaging to you, writing in haiku

(11:12) jamesn: Like the driving rain

(11:13) jamesn: Waves that crash against the shore

(11:13) jamesn: You're breaking my balls


(11:14) lancer: hey, wait a minute, you cant try to be like me, I am haiku man

(11:15) jamesn: I'm really quite good

(11:15) jamesn: At creating great haikus

(11:15) jamesn: from random bullshit


(11:18) jamesn: I think I want beer

(11:18) jamesn: For lunch, maybe, whatever

(11:18) jamesn: No, I NEED some beer


(11:26) lancer: I cant wait for beach, much great beer I will drink up, please fill up my cup

(11:27) charless: I refuse to join you in this.

(11:28) lancer: you are just jealous, you probly cant count that low, I still like you though

(11:29) charless: carry to the beach. plastic cups and salt so sweet. drunk from noon to night

(11:30) jamesn: Tequila is shit

(11:30) jamesn: I prefer beer from a keg

(11:30) jamesn: Like men with balls do.

(11:31) jamesn: Holy fucking shit

(11:32) jamesn: This is like the tenth haiku

(11:32) jamesn: I've done in a row

(11:32) jamesn: You need to blog this

(11:33) lancer: its out of control, we may have to get you help, for your crap haikus

(11:33) jamesn: Because at this fucking point

(11:33) jamesn: it's automatic

(11:33) lancer: I will do that now, in conversations with james, we are so stupid

(11:49) lancer: (11:31:05 AM) ChopperCharles: ugh Lance has started, an annoying haiku war, want to kill him now.

(11:43) lancer: haha thats funny, who did you send that line to? did they roll their eyes?

(11:44) charless: I sent it to chris, he started a long reply, but never sent it.

(11:45) lancer: chris is still counting, I bet his heads hurting now, too much computing

(11:46) charless: ARRRG STOP THIS MADNESS! I am going insane man, you're driving me nuts.

(11:47) lancer: you have to ignore, from now on all my replies, will be in this style

(11:48) charless: I am weeping now. Will this horror never end? I just want to work.

1 comment:

the larsons said...

If you all worked for me, I'd count up the haikus that sucked, subtract the decent ones, and if the result was a positive number ...

I would dock your salaries/A thousand dollars for each/sorry haiku left.