Thursday, August 28, 2008


There's a local Raleigh guy who is twittering in all haikus. What started as a simple joke turned into a nerd-fest. By the way, I wouldn't bother reading any of this unless you are completely bored beyond hope of any possible entertainment in the next 4 months:

(11:12) lancer: you know what is fun? when i'm messaging to you, writing in haiku

(11:12) jamesn: Like the driving rain

(11:13) jamesn: Waves that crash against the shore

(11:13) jamesn: You're breaking my balls


(11:14) lancer: hey, wait a minute, you cant try to be like me, I am haiku man

(11:15) jamesn: I'm really quite good

(11:15) jamesn: At creating great haikus

(11:15) jamesn: from random bullshit


(11:18) jamesn: I think I want beer

(11:18) jamesn: For lunch, maybe, whatever

(11:18) jamesn: No, I NEED some beer


(11:26) lancer: I cant wait for beach, much great beer I will drink up, please fill up my cup

(11:27) charless: I refuse to join you in this.

(11:28) lancer: you are just jealous, you probly cant count that low, I still like you though

(11:29) charless: carry to the beach. plastic cups and salt so sweet. drunk from noon to night

(11:30) jamesn: Tequila is shit

(11:30) jamesn: I prefer beer from a keg

(11:30) jamesn: Like men with balls do.

(11:31) jamesn: Holy fucking shit

(11:32) jamesn: This is like the tenth haiku

(11:32) jamesn: I've done in a row

(11:32) jamesn: You need to blog this

(11:33) lancer: its out of control, we may have to get you help, for your crap haikus

(11:33) jamesn: Because at this fucking point

(11:33) jamesn: it's automatic

(11:33) lancer: I will do that now, in conversations with james, we are so stupid

(11:49) lancer: (11:31:05 AM) ChopperCharles: ugh Lance has started, an annoying haiku war, want to kill him now.

(11:43) lancer: haha thats funny, who did you send that line to? did they roll their eyes?

(11:44) charless: I sent it to chris, he started a long reply, but never sent it.

(11:45) lancer: chris is still counting, I bet his heads hurting now, too much computing

(11:46) charless: ARRRG STOP THIS MADNESS! I am going insane man, you're driving me nuts.

(11:47) lancer: you have to ignore, from now on all my replies, will be in this style

(11:48) charless: I am weeping now. Will this horror never end? I just want to work.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

No, not really

(03:29) lancer: wow "Hispanics, who make up about 15 percent of the population today, will account for 30 percent in 2050, according to the new projections."

(03:29) lancer: "The population 85 and older is projected to more than triple by 2050, to 19 million."

(03:29) lancer: holy shit

(03:30) jamesn: Lou Dobbs warned us

(03:31) jamesn: I have seriously considered learning Spanish recently

(03:31) jamesn: and volunteering to teach English

(03:31) lancer: well the solution is clear

(03:31) lancer: white people must begin having as many babies as possible, even if they are uncared for or placed on welfare.

(03:32) jamesn: I guess we'd better hit the clubs after work

(03:32) lancer: ok

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Triathlon Pics

There are 12 pictures of me from the Triathlon. Looking at them, I noticed that I make a lot of weird faces...mostly looking very much in pain. I should probably work on that huh? If I want to get the digitals, it would cost me $336. Can you believe that? Jeez. It might have been less insulting if they just spit on me during the race as I ran past.

For all your ridiculously over-priced photography needs, visit Yay for them. I emailed them to see if they'd give me a better offer, we shall see what they said. As you can tell from the pictures, it was raining during the race, so those poor photographers did have to stand out in the rain all day.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Triathlon Time!

So, today was the triathlon at UNC Wellness Center. This was my first one, and it was a "Super Sprint Triathlon", which basically means that the distances are shorter so that you can sprint through each. Of course, i can't sprint through each, so to me "Super Sprint" just means "Super Short". :) It was a 250 yard swim, followed by a 9 mile bike ride, and finally a 5k run.

How did I do? Well, I am glad to have done it, proud of myself, yet at the same time a little disappointed that I didn't go harder. I think I had more in me than I realized. I wanted to take it easy on the run part because I was a little paranoid about working my ankle too hard so soon after my injury. Enough excuses, here's how I did:

I swam the 250 yards in 4:11, that was the 6th fastest in my age group. The swim was the part I was most worried about just because of lack of experience. I used to swim all the time as a kid before I left for college, but since then I've only swam laps a handful of times. I went out and swam laps twice before the race and did ok. Anyway...I'm very excited about my time because that included an unnecessary pause between laps to allow the people I'd caught to get a little distance on me so I wouldn't have to pass them! Next time I will go harder and just pass them!

The bike was a biiiiiiiiitch. more excuse: I was on a little cheapo Target mountain bike, not a road bike. With the blessing of my friend Nicole, who convinced me to do this race in the first place, I'd like to blame my bike time on that. It took me 43:18 to do the 9 miles. The bike ride was a bit demoralizing because I'd be in my lowest gear peddling as fast as I could, and road bikers were passing me like crazy going twice my speed and barely peddling at all! Needless to say, I dropped from 6th fastest in my age group down to 17th (out of 18!) pretty quickly.

The run was the weirdest part. When I got off the bike, it took me a bit to get my land legs back, and when I did it was not pretty. First of all, during the swim the rain was pouring down outside, completely soaking my towel, socks, and shoes. This didn't cause any discomfort on the bike ride but during the run it was just *squish* *squish* *squish* *squish*. Very odd. Then, uselessly trying to peddle faster to keep up with the road bikes took a toll on my shins and ankles, and running hurt a bit at first. This is where the little bit of disappointment I have comes into play. I pretty much resigned myslef, because of the sore muscles and the ankle injury to just run really slow. I didn't realize I could do more until the last little stretch of the run where I sprinted to the finish. After the sprint I thought I was stupid for not going harder during the run, which took me a dismal 34:16.

So my overall time was 1:25:39. When I got home I got back in bed. ;)

Next time, if I can borrow someones road bike for this race, I want to see if I can knock 15 minutes off my total time (I figure I'll be able to knock 20 seconds or so off my swim time [maybe more if I train properly], bike faster and with less effort, and run faster with less pain and discomfort after the bike ride) my goal time will be 1:10:00.

Friday, August 08, 2008


Background: "Sam" is an intern in the office who happens to wear a pair of blue socks with that rolling stones tongue-out-the-mouth logo about 3 times a week.

(04:44) lancer: sam must have many pairs of those rolling stones socks
(04:44) lancer: samwise
(04:45) jamesn: I am not checking out his socks
(04:45) jamesn: But any LOTR reference is awesome
(04:46) jamesn: I say LOTR because that's what the cool kids call it
(04:46) lancer: and its faster to type
(04:46) lancer: kinda like HPATGOF
(04:46) jamesn: I am dissapointed to have figured that out
(04:47) lancer: no you aren't
(04:47) lancer: you're proud
(04:47) jamesn: But, yes, may fantasy buffs have missed opportunities to shed teir virginity in typing out the ludicrous names of their favorite pasttimes
(04:51) lancer: speaking of, the 3rd of the only 4 part trilogy I know of is oming out soon! First there was E, then there was E, and now there is B!
(04:52) jamesn: ...
(04:52) jamesn: I'm trying to remember the name of the book that comes after Eragon
(04:52) lancer: :)
(04:52) lancer: we are truly nerds
(04:52) lancer: of course I already pre-ordered B
(04:53) jamesn: am I right?
(04:53) lancer: yes
(04:53) jamesn: Do I have nerd intuition?
(04:53) lancer: not if you can't figure out the 2nd one
(04:53) jamesn: Wow. I am proud and ashamed of myself.
(04:53) jamesn: I am proud for having leapt to that conclusion first
(04:53) lancer: yeah, you shouldn't repeat this to anyone :)

Glossary: LOTR = Lord of the Rings
HPATGOF = Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
E = Eragon
E = Eldest
B = Brisngr
Christopher Paolini = the author of E, E, and B.