Background: "Sam" is an intern in the office who happens to wear a pair of blue socks with that rolling stones tongue-out-the-mouth logo about 3 times a week.
(04:44) lancer: sam must have many pairs of those rolling stones socks
(04:44) lancer: samwise
(04:45) jamesn: I am not checking out his socks
(04:45) jamesn: But any LOTR reference is awesome
(04:46) jamesn: I say LOTR because that's what the cool kids call it
(04:46) lancer: and its faster to type
(04:46) lancer: kinda like HPATGOF
(04:46) jamesn: I am dissapointed to have figured that out
(04:47) lancer: no you aren't
(04:47) lancer: you're proud
(04:47) jamesn: But, yes, may fantasy buffs have missed opportunities to shed teir virginity in typing out the ludicrous names of their favorite pasttimes
(04:51) lancer: speaking of, the 3rd of the only 4 part trilogy I know of is oming out soon! First there was E, then there was E, and now there is B!
(04:52) jamesn: ...
(04:52) jamesn: I'm trying to remember the name of the book that comes after Eragon
(04:52) lancer: :)
(04:52) lancer: we are truly nerds
(04:52) lancer: of course I already pre-ordered B
(04:53) jamesn: am I right?
(04:53) lancer: yes
(04:53) jamesn: Do I have nerd intuition?
(04:53) lancer: not if you can't figure out the 2nd one
(04:53) jamesn: Wow. I am proud and ashamed of myself.
(04:53) jamesn: I am proud for having leapt to that conclusion first
(04:53) lancer: yeah, you shouldn't repeat this to anyone :)
Glossary: LOTR = Lord of the Rings
HPATGOF = Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
E = Eragon
E = Eldest
B = Brisngr
Christopher Paolini = the author of E, E, and B.
Do you actually work during the day? Or do you horse around with this jackass?
The first 4-part trilogy was written by Douglas Adams: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galazy, Restaurant at the End of the Universe; Life, the Universe, and Everything; & So Long and Thanks for All the Fish. God rest his merry soul! I miss him. -e.
Ah, I stand corrected! Thank you fellow nerd!
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