Here it is, the Umstead 100. I don't plan to ever attempt it. I can't imagine ever completing it. Here it is, the Umstead 100. A 100 mile run in 30 hours.
I don't even think I could bike 100 miles in 30 hours. Running it? Wow. Amazing. What kind of toll does that take on the body of even a very fit person? Is it worth it?
Is it worth it? Sure it is.
If you look at it from a purely physical point of view even a marathon seems a bit stupid for the "normal" person. As are any of the other sports that are even less mainstream.
The real point of it is to better yourself, to extend and challenge your limits be it physical or mental. To boldly go where YOU haven't gone before (love that star trek phrase). It's more about you, the awe of your friends and peers is just incidental.
I will try and do the same this year (not a 100 mile) but maybe 10-15 miles, 9 miles being the most I have ever run at a stretch its breaking the pain barrier for me. :)
I've heard a lot of people say that putting this much stress on your body could do more harm than good.
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